Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Book Review: The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews

This book is the children's version of The Butterfly Effect, but honestly.....I liked this one better!!

The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrews

The Boy Who Changed the World shows, in a simplistic yet powerful way, the effect one person, one decision, had on the life of everyone living in the past, living now, or who ever will live. The author talks about the life of George Washington Carver and the effect people had on him and the effects his discoveries have had on people today in a way that children can easily understand. This book is filled with reverse chronological cause and effects that give you pause to the effect your life has on the rest of humanity.

This book is not just enjoyable and relevant for children, but also for adults. Such simple thoughts, simple statements, small actions that this book covers have had a profound impact on all of humanity. This book is thought-provoking and truly makes you see that every action, every word, every person has an impact on everyone around you and on the future. You can not read this book and ever see your life as menial or insignificant. I actually enjoyed this children’s book more than I did its adult counterpart, The Butterfly Effect.

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